With jobs falling to an all-time low you would think Texas should take any and all money being given out by the government, however, Texas should refuse any federal stimulus money that comes with strings attached, sending that famous message to Washington, “DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS!” Why should Texas reject the stimulus money, because Texas is leading the way in the United States; Texas is No. 1 for job creation, for government transparency online, for having the most Fortune 500 companies, in tort reform, in exports, and in population growth, Texas does not need any help from President Barack Hussein Obama. Texas, along with a couple other states is not facing a large budget deficit due to that fact that our leaders have been careful in spending and because of this our economy has grown. The only thing this stimulus money is going to do is provide short-term relief. Governor Rick Perry has already made it clear that he will reject the $555 million if it comes with federal strings attached. Some members of the Texas Legislature are talking about overriding the governor’s decision, however if I remember correctly this would be a violation of state law and an unconstitutional power-grab. This is just it, the private sector is best at creating wealth and prosperity, particularly when provided with a reasonable regulatory environment, low taxes, and an available workforce, not the Government. Let’s face it; Texans know how to spend our money. Rather than attempting to call the shots in Texas, Congress and the Obama Administration should probably take a page from Texas’ playbook.
I definitely appreciate your dedicated opinion and your steadfast stance. It's one that is shared by a hoard of our fellow Texans. I just happen not to agree with it. I think that the argument should have more fact-based argument and less standard party rhetoric, both in the post as well as in Governor Perry's statements.