Today I read a blog post from my colleague, Zack, who believes that Texas should outlaw the use of cell phones while driving a motor vehicle without the use of a headset. I have to respectfully disagree with him on the issue of making it illegal to use a cell phone while driving without a headset. The reason I disagree with him on this is for one, it has already been proven that the use of cell phone headsets does not aid road safety. Also secondly this is just gives police one more reason to pull us over, and write us tickets for. As far as making it harder for teen drivers to achieve a drivers license I do somewhat agree with this part of your blog. I feel like the “test”, not only for teen drivers, but for all drivers should be harder to pass. It is way too easy to achieve a driver’s license in the state of Texas, I am sure you have seen what I am talking about out there on the roads. Overall this was a nice post, but I simply have to disagree with you when it comes to laws against using your cell phone without a headset while driving.
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