Swine flu this, swine flu that, you better sanitize your hands after you touch something! Be careful you might get swine flu from just reading this. Now don’t get me wrong, I am all for staying healthy and not becoming sick, but the fact is this is not something that should be being blasted all over the media. It scares me when I watch the news and see men wearing surgical masks and women carrying Costco sizes of hand sanitizer in their purses; It is not the swine flu that is scares me, it is the fact that the media has this much control over the American public. This is much bigger than just the swine flu, this is an attempt to see how much control the government has, through the media, to control the average dumb American and, from we have shown them, we must look like mindless lab rats. Please remind me, how many deaths have we had, in the United States, from swine flu? NO, not 150… we have only had 1 reported death “from the swine flu”. Why do I quote “from the swine flu”, because the 23month old, that came from Mexico with his family to visit Brownsville, Texas, who is assumed to have died from Swine flu, actually died from multiple medical health problems. The cause of the child’s death was pneumonia, caused by the flu virus. So with enormous death count /sarcasm, please tell me why we are closing 100’s of schools here, in Texas, when there is no evidence of transmission of the disease within these schools? Like Dennis Perrotta, of the National Center for Emergency Medical Preparedness and Response, Texas A&M Health Science Center, said, "Closing schools and canceling events is useful when there's evidence of transmission ... but if you don't (have that), then what are you preventing?" Let’s face it; it is absolutely ridiculous how everyone is reacting, right now. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning or falling off a building this year than you do of dying from swine flu! Don’t let the mass media pump you full of swine goo, be your own reporter and do your own research!
I totally agree with this argument, swine flu has been totally out of proportion by the media and is honestly not that big of a deal. The other major point that I believe should be added is the fact that(this gonna sound crazy but) we should let people get the flu, which someone my say is crazy but if we get it now the population will build up a resilience and when the swine flu comes back, stronger(as is predicted) the effect won't be as large. This method has proved itself in the past in the days of small pox a very deadly disease at the time it was noticed that the maids who contracted cow pox(a much weaker form of the disease) from milking cows, did not contract in large quantities and those that did, did not die. Otherwise I thought it was a very good article full of supporting links and good arguments.